Own a Cirrus SR Series G7 at a fraction of the cost
through shared ownership.

We are helping to connect like-minded individuals at a number of airports around Australia.
The benefits of shared ownership include:
- Cost sharing of the initial aircraft investment, providing aviators who believe owning a new aircraft is not possible and the opportunity to join The Cirrus Life.
- Group members are like-minded and new friendships are formed.
- Builds a small aviation community within the group to share photos, tips, exciting conversations and information with each other.
- Aircraft ownership administration is a shared task within the group.
Please register your interest in the form below and one of our team will be in touch.

Contact Us
Ready to get started?
Whether you’re looking to buy a new Cirrus aircraft or sell your current Cirrus aircraft, our team is here to help.
And if you’re looking for flight training or maintenance support, we can help with that, too.
AUS: 1300 204 170 | NZ: 0800 456685 | SE ASIA: (+61) 0468 600 727