Cirrus Stories

Cirrus 故事

Cirrus Approach Flight Training App

Cirrus Approach Flight Training App

Cirrus, the innovator in personal aviation, today announced the relaunch of the Cirrus Approach app, the premier digital mobile tool… 阅读更多

Journey: Ken and Jen Kelly’s Xi-Designed SR22T

Journey: Ken and Jen Kelly’s Xi-Designed SR22T

Introducing Ken and Jen Kelly: Proud new Cirrus owners of an Xi Designed SR 22TThe Xi Design was inspired by… 阅读更多



In the world of Personal Aviation™, safety and innovation are at the forefront of design. Cirrus has long been recognized… 阅读更多

Cirrus Vision Jet: Turnkey Ownership with Trusted Service Network

Cirrus Vision Jet: Turnkey Ownership with Trusted Service Network

The Cirrus Vision Jet is the world’s first single-engine jet and the best-selling jet in general aviation approaching 600 aircraft… 阅读更多

SR Series G7: Performance and Versatility

SR Series G7: Performance and Versatility

Our previous blog covered the cutting-edge safety features that make the SR Series G7 a benchmark in personal aviation. Now, it’s time to shift… 阅读更多

Safety with the SR Series G7

Safety with the SR Series G7

Welcome back to our blog series dedicated to exploring exciting new features the SR Series G7 has to offer. In… 阅读更多

Experience Comfort and Convenience with the SR Series G7 

Experience Comfort and Convenience with the SR Series G7 

In our previous SR Series G7 blog, we introduced the groundbreaking Cirrus Perspective Touch+™ flight deck. This advanced avionics suite,… 阅读更多

Cirrus Celebrates 10,000 SR Series Deliveries with Limited Edition Aircraft

Cirrus Celebrates 10,000 SR Series Deliveries with Limited Edition Aircraft

Cirrus, the world’s best-selling high-performance single-engine piston aircraft manufacturer, revealed a one-of-a-kind, Limited-Edition SR Series aircraft to commemorate 10,000 SR… 阅读更多

How to get ready for flying & packing for EAA AirVenture Oshkosh

How to get ready for flying & packing for EAA……

Every July, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, becomes the ultimate destination for aviation enthusiasts worldwide, hosting EAA AirVenture Oshkosh—the largest aviation event on… 阅读更多

SR Series G7: Cirrus Perspective Touch+™

SR 系列 G7:Cirrus Perspective Touch+™

SR 系列于 1999 年首次交付,重新定义了通用航空,成为通用航空领域最畅销的高性能单引擎活塞飞机…… 阅读更多

Cirrus SR Series G7 Wins 2024 Robb Report Best of the Best Award 

Cirrus SR 系列 G7 荣获 2024 年 Robb 报告最佳……

Cirrus 自豪地宣布 SR 系列 G7 荣获 2024 年《Robb Report》最佳产品奖…… 阅读更多

Cirrus Delivers New Fleet of TRAC Series G7 Aircraft to Western Michigan University


今天,西锐公司宣布在西锐视觉展览会上向西密歇根大学航空学院交付七架 TRAC20 G7…… 阅读更多

Cirrus One: Premium Aircraft Management Service 

Cirrus One:高级飞机管理服务 

飞机所有权变得简单 Cirrus 今日宣布为区域 SR 系列和 Vision Jet 推出 Cirrus One 飞机管理服务…… 阅读更多


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